Tuesday, May 6, 2008


This is the falling bird which i used to do in my CG 3. I traced it out with pen tool.
I chose 'falling bird'. Nowadays the pollution is getting serious which cause us alots of sickness and more. As we know, we did not care for our future or the next generation. If the pollution still continue, the next generation will not be able to see the animal which going to extinct soon.

CG3 final

This is my Cg3 final.
i traced my bird with pen tool colour it with gradience.
I also trace the feather out with the pen tool.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Monday, April 7, 2008

Assignment 2 : Calendar( Valentine's Day) 4

I've coloured with different colours. I used Purple, Pink, White on part of it and blues for another part. Hope it's interesting enough.

Assignment 2 : Calendar( Valentine's Day) 3

Here come the third part of my assignment 2. I used different type of circle and arranged it to a love shape. I will colour it with romantic colours which is the next step of my assignment.

Assignment 2 : Calendar( Valentine's Day) 2

This is another part of my calendar. I traced the roses out with pen tool n coloured it. I changed the brush style to make it more interesting.
About the candle, i make a rounded corner rectangular and extruded(3D) it and added some light part on top of it. I used gradiance after tracing the fire.

Assignment 2 : Calendar( Valentine's Day)

I traced my sketches out with pen tool and this is part of my assignment 2.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I decided to change my personal symbol to something simple. The first sketch that i've post is far more complicated than this one and that doesn't seems like a symbol. I've used W from my name Willie to describe myself.

Monday, March 10, 2008

This is my first sketch in my computer graphic titled "My Personal Symbol".
It shows about my study life. Before studying in MMU, I studied in other college which really gave me lots of pressure due to the quantity of assignment and the requirement of the lecturers. I'd gave my best try on my studies there but I can't managed it. I decided to quit and find a suitable college for myself.
Wings, I'd drawn a broken wing in my sketch because when i decide to quit the college, i knew that this is my last chance in stuying in others college or university.
Tears, Althought my family can't afford the fees, but they still give me a chance to study in MMU. I was touched in tears.
Eye with confidence, I promised with confidence to my parents that i will study real hard to achive flying colours result.
Dark cloud, no matter how complicated my life is, i will still stand high up and shows to others that i won't break my promises.
It's hard to explain by words but it really came out from my true heart.
And sorry for the unclear image.
Ong Zhu Wee(Willie)